Early Intervention is Key
Bright eyed Tanya will be two years old in September, and the challenges she has overcome in her short lifetime are nothing short of amazing.
Born premature at 27 weeks, weighing only 840 grams (less than 2 pounds), Tanya spent three months in NICU fighting for her life. She suffered from a brain bleed, infection and other complications. Living in the north of Israel the closest hospital is nearly an hour’s drive away, and with three other children at home, these first few months were challenging for the whole family.
Although they have a referral for Special-ed daycare, a suitable framework has not yet been found. Tanya receives the care she needs at home and at the local child development center. Early on, Tanya’s parents, therapists and doctors noticed that she was responding remarkably well to the paramedical therapies. The treating neurologist was so impressed with her progress that his recommendation was intensive physical and occupational therapies. However, the family’s kupat cholim (HMO) will provide only one therapy session a week.
Early intervention for children with developmental disorders is critical for the child’s development. During the period of time in which the brain centers responsible for motor, verbal, mental and perceptual functions are developing, the chances are greater for improvement. It may reduce future disparities, saving investment in rehabilitation and treatment programs.
Understanding the window of opportunity, Tanya’s parents had no choice other than to pay privately for the therapies needed to help her progress. Until they heard about the Malki Foundation and turned to us for support, which was immediately given. Tanya now benefits from the intensive rehabilitation program recommended by the neurologist, including physical, occupational, water and speech therapy.
Amazingly, according to recent tests, Tanya’s cognitive abilities are on par with her age group. She still has a way to go physically, but the gap is closing all the time. We join in the optimism of her family and therapists, that with hard work and determination Tanya will reach her milestones and grow up to be an independent young girl.