Natalia, age 11, was born completely healthy. When she was 6 years old she contracted encephalitis, which left her with severe neurological damage.
As a result, Natalia is completely dependent on others for even the most basic of tasks. She cannot attend daycare because of fear of infection and her father has had to give up his job to take care of her full-time. Her mother works part-time as a teacher. Natalia receives one physiotherapy session a week from the kuppah, which is nowhere near enough to help her make any significant progress. Her family turned to the Malki Foundation as their only hope to give Natalia a better quality of life. We use funds from our donors to pay for the therapies and equipment that children like Natalia need in order to be able to do the daily life activities that we take for granted. With the Malki Foundation’s support, Natalia will receive the physical therapy she needs to improve muscle control, which she needs to sit and stand.