Meet Chaim, 7 years old, born with epilepsy, autism, and Cerebral Palsy. Until his mother contacted the Malki Foundation, Chaim spent his days in bed, unable to move unaided.
Three years ago, his epileptic seizures increased dramatically. He lost most key gross and fine motor skills and the ability to talk, play and move around. Bringing Chaim to daycare and therapy sessions at the local clinic is now close to impossible because of his fragile medical state and reduced abilities. Paramedical therapies are essential to his well-being but the family’s health care fund will not pay for Chaim to get them at home. The Malki Foundation’s intervention meant he could access intensive therapies that have already enabled him to recover some gross motor skills with hope for much more to come. Chaim’s mother says she cannot think about trying to cope without the help the Malki Foundation provides.
Thousands of Israeli families live a reality similar to Chaim’s. Vital paramedical therapies
essential to their gaining and maintaining core skills have simply slipped out of their
reach. The Malki Foundation’s programs and policies deliver excellent solutions in cost-effective
and people-sensitive ways. We make a real difference for children like Chaim and his
unstoppable parents.