As a young boy, Shalom was left severely disabled by a car accident. He had a specialized walker that would support his upper body and allow him to move around at home, but his parents couldn’t afford one for school.
His mother describes Shalom’s situation:
“Shalom would sit all day in his wheel chair and he was frustrated and hurt. The school did not have the ability to get him an appropriate walker because of the high price and the fact that he was the only one who needed it. Everyone would go out to their therapies and he would stay in the classroom because he didn’t have the right equipment. And so he would sit in the same position and in the same space all day.”
When word got out to the community that Shalom’s parents could not afford this life-changing piece of equipment, they reached out to the Malki Foundation and together we mounted a brief and focused campaign. The response and generosity was overwhelming and within a week the sum raised was beyond all expectations.
By combining the funds with another bequest, we were able to immediately purchase two walkers – one that went straight to Shalom and
the other, to another teenager on our waiting list.
Here’s how Shalom’s mother describes how the specialized walker changed his life.
“As soon as the walker arrived, his whole mood changed completely. Suddenly, he could stand and talk with people at their eye-level…he could move around with his walker. There are no words to describe his excitement and the drastic change in his desire to go to school – it brought life to his body and his soul. It gave him so much energy…Shalom’s smile says everything!”