Struggling to care for disabled kids in a time of danger
Emergency Status Update Swords of Iron – Malki Foundation UK
After losing his daughter Malki in the Sbarro Massacre 21 years ago, Arnold Roth and his family chose to take the example she showed in life and share it with others.
Arnold Roth interview in The Christian Post
The Jewish Weekly (Week 69) reported on the launch of the King David High School Manchester charity project for the Malki Foundation. The students are raising money for specialized assistive equipment for a new Equipment Lending Unit at the Alyn Children’s Hospital in Jerusalem. Children will be able to borrow this equipment for the long-term […]
Greer Fay Cashman from the Jerusalem Post reports on the invitation only event held at the official residence of the Australian Ambassador in honour of the Malki Foundation. https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Grapevine-The-olim-from-Down-Under-415888
If you have learned about Frimet and Arnold Roth’s pursuit of the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre which took their daughter Malki’s life, and want to help and be kept informed, please register your name and email address here. You can follow the progress of their mission via the Roths’ blog, ThisOngoingWar.blogspot.com You can also reach […]
Last week, The Australian, a leading national paper in Australia, published an article titled, “HELP BRING MALKI’S MURDERER TO JUSTICE, MR TURNBULL”, written by our founder Arnold Roth. In his riveting article, Mr. Roth asks The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Australia, as well as the general public, to call on Jordan to extradite his daughter […]
Thank you to Miriam Lottner and The Times of Israel for including Frimet Roth, Malki’s mother and the co-founder of the Malki Foundation, in their list of 69 extraordinary women in Israel. We couldn’t agree more! She is #2 in the list, found here http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/celebrating-69-extraordinar…/
Patrick Carlyon writes a profile of Arnold Roth in the Sunday Herald Sun, April 08, 2012: “Roth feels far from powerless. He gives his talks. He shares his grief. And he lives his life… “We don’t expect to change the world,” he says. “We are constantly reinforced in our understanding of that. But there are things that passionate […]
Israel’s government honors the founders of an organization helping all special needs children named for a Jewish teen murdered by Hamas. Chana Ya’ar, 27/06/13 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/169367
Minister of Social Affairs bestows award on Keren Malki founders | PRlog The founders of Keren Malki, an organization that has helped to lighten the burden for thousands of Israeli families caring at home for a special-needs child were honored with the prestigious Magen Sar Harevacha award in a public ceremony in Jerusalem on June 23, 2013. http://www.jewishnews.net.au/israeli-honour-for-roths/31387
Keren Malki was created to honor the life of a child whose future was stolen from her by terrorists, by giving the ability to any who are in need to care for their severely disabled children at home By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus Published: June 27th, 2013 http://www.jewishpress.com/news/from-the-greatest-loss-they-created-the-means-to-give-to-others/2013/06/27/
Arnold Roth was an invited guest on BBC Radio Merseyside’s ‘Daybreak with Helen Jones’ on Sunday morning, March 2, 2014. Filling in for Helen Jones was veteran BBC presenter Roger Phillips who asked his listeners “What can a man do when his child is a victim of terrorism?” before allowing Arnold to describe his family’s […]
Malki’s Legacy: How a murdered teenager inspired an Israeli charity | March 13, 2014 | Arnold Roth was in London this week to discuss his charity Keren Malki, named after his daughter who was killed in a Jerusalem suicide attack. By Caron Kemp http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/daughters-legacy/
Keren Malki and the background to our work is featured in an interview by Basil Herwald of Salford City Radio’s Jewish Hour program with Arnold Roth, Keren Malki’s honorary chair. March 2014