Your lulav and etrog can help the Malki Foundation

lulav and etrog

“Mitvah brings Mitzvah” is the founding principle behind the Netinat Lulav organization, who has developed a brilliant way to help raise money for organizations all over Israel.  Purchase your lulav and etrog set from Netinat Lulav and they will donate the profit to the organization of your choice. In this case, we hope it will be the Malki Foundation.

Its pretty simple really.  Go to their  Choose the type of etrog set you would like and designate the Malki Foundation as your charity.  There are convenient pickup points all over Israel.  Complete your purchase, and you’re done.  Check that holiday preparation off of your list!

If you would like to find out more, please contact us at the office: 02-5670602 or

Chag sameach!