The Malki Foundation and the Israel Children’s Aid Network (ICAN) are working together to help children in Israel have a better life. ICAN was started by Ron and Deni Simon, child welfare pioneers from the United States. ICAN funds organizations in Israel which address such issues as hunger and malnutrition, child abuse, housing, inadequate medical care, lack of educational opportunities, and lack of services for disabled children. In addition, to fundraising, ICAN also raises awareness among American Jews about the state of children’s welfare services in Israel. According to Mr. Simon, there is a common belief among American Jews that the Israeli government takes care of children in need, which is, unfortunately, not true. Therefore, ICAN also serves to educate the American Jewish public about the inadequacy of social services for children in Israel. The Simons are also the founders of JAFCO, the only agency providing foster care for Jewish children in Florida. The Malki Foundation is honored to be a part of ICAN and looks forward to working with the Simons in order to help children with disabilities receive the care the care they deserve.