Upcoming on:
The Mosaic Art Charity Project will bring together communities and children from all over the globe spanning Israel, United Kingdom, North America and Australia.
This cultural awareness campaign will provide children & families the opportunity to create a mosaic tile showcasing how they view ‘chesed/acts of kindness’.
Each child participating in the project will be twinned with a child with severe disabilities supported by the Malki Foundation, giving these children the opportunity to create a tile also. The participants’ works will be combined together in an artistic and unique way into one finished collaborative work, which gives expression to the chosen concept “an act of kindness”.
The first 100 participants who fill out this form will be eligible to participate in the collaborative / international project that will be launched.
The final piece will be unveiled and auctioned at a hybrid worldwide event.
How it works:
• You register interest and commit to raising a minimum of £60 | $80USD | $100AUD | 250NIS per tile
• You are twinned with a child supported by Malki Foundation. Both children/families receive a set containing 10x10cm canvas, paints, brush and instructions
• Once the drawings are ready they are scanned at high quality and sent to artist for arrangement.
• Children and families will be invited to the hybrid unveiling event
• Each child/family will receive a unique print of his/her tile and the twin, as well as a commemorative poster of the final artwork
• Live chat with artist and guidance will be provided throughout