Therapists on Wheels


The Malki Foundation’s newest program, the Zlata Hersch Memorial Therapists on Wheels Program, started in 2011, sends paramedical therapists to children who are either housebound, or live in Israel’s peripheral communities. These areas, in the far north and far south of Israel, have little or no access to therapies because fewer therapists are available there, and the travelling distances are an added hardship on the parents. Through the Therapists on Wheels program, the Malki Foundation provides mobile therapists who travel to where the children with special-needs live, delivering quality paramedical therapies – physical, speech and occupational therapy. The entire cost of the service, including travel, is covered by the Malki Foundation. During 2015 we sent mobile therapists to the homes of 18 children, providing over 400 therapy hours.

As with all Malki Foundation programs, here too in order to qualify for support, the child needs to be diagnosed as having a significant disability and must reside in the family home rather than in an institution.

Once the child is accepted into the program, the committee recommends appropriate therapies and therapists and the therapist is put in contact with the family. In the first family/therapist meeting, a list of goals and expected outcomes for the child’s development and rehabilitation is agreed upon. The choice and frequency of therapy is specific to each child and his/her requirements.

After 6 months therapists are required to submit a progress report for each child, detailing whether there has been success in achieving the care goals that were set out in conjunction with the parents. This report is used as a base for continuing work.
